the last show was great. william isaac taught class. it was also his last show in concert dance and got a bouquet of flowers during the curtain call.lovely. everyone was ready to hit it and quit it.which is exactly what we did(except for me blanking in the middle of one of my solo's.oops).had lunch after the show and began the 3 hour drive back to new york city.the drive was beautiful. the hills and flowers and the green of the grass reminded me of england. guess that's why it's called new england. right? got back safely,returned the car and hopped in a cab to brooklyn.stopped off at my friend ryans place and had a couple of well deserved beers.

so here's to a wonderful end to a wonderful week. i've had so much fun and felt so much during my time at the pillow. i've always felt that it's important to be connected to history. no matter what community you are involved in, it feels like there is a necessity to look over you shoulder and recognize those who have gone before you on a similar path to yours. wave to those people once in a while. those ancestors.
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