i slept terribly. i had nightmares about the piece we are doing which somehow turned into someone trying to kill me. at breakfast some others from the company also talked about their weird dreams so i guess it's in the water. we had a brief rehearsal this morning. double checking some light cues and going over some notes. nothing too heavy. and then we had some free time so kris, emily, marlin and i went to check out the archives. it's a little cabin with three or four screens and dvd players with multiple headphones attached. we only got a chance to look at some old armitage gone stuff because it was already playing on the screen, due to the company being here. there is also a lois greenfield exhibit in the gallery, which is really beautiful. other happenings:
marlin lost his camera and then found it, masayo stepped on a bee which consequently stung her, and the show was taped for the jacob's pillow archives...which i thankfully forgot about during the show. it went well. it felt better than last night. i'm really glad we have 6 shows so i can continue to tweek and hone. it's beautiful here. i may buy a tent and stay on the grounds for the rest of my life.
dang. i just sold my tent to jeff. shoulda shipped it up to you.